Sunday, April 8, 2018

What's now?

Recently, I talked with my friend about the master's defence, which impend so fast.
My friend sighed loudly and said to me:
- I do not know what to do after this studies, what I should do with my life!
I do not know either. The end of education is strange. There was always another step in education, after primary school there was secondary school and after that high school, and now? Now I feel like a small child who lost in a crowd and does not know what to do. 
Regardless of whether you have plans for life or not  the end of education always raises anxiety and a feel in which you are wondering what you really want from life and what you have to do at the moment. Watch all the series? Go on holiday? Send a CV? What happens when the whole period of life ends? What happens next, when the exams and complaints about lecturers are over? What happens when there is no lecture to go (or not) or classes that organize the course of the day? The closer to master's defence, the more I feel like standing in a big field with a hundred roads and I did not know which one is the right one. Or is this path that I initially chose to be what I dreamed about?
And why something that should be just a formality and just the end of another thing in life grow in my head to the rank of the event of the year and make me have so many thoughts in my head?
I have no idea, but I hope that life will lead me in the right direction.

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