Sunday, April 15, 2018

The perfect moment

I often hear my friends who say that they will do something later because now it's not the right moment. So when is it?
There is a quote: do not wait for the perfect moment, choose the moment and make it perfect.
We imagine that someday, when we are wiser, richer, more experienced and have more time then we will do something, because now is not the right time for it.
Usually this does not happen. Why? Not because we can not do it, but because the world is trying to convince us that we are still not wise enough, old, rich, experienced and we should not lean out. So we are waiting for the perfect moment while, we can decide every day that this is the moment. Not after graduation, not when we get a good job, not when we're rich, right now is the time to try something, something that you've been thinking about for a long time, but something, some strange and unnecessary thought makes that you not did it yet.
Because what will happen if you can not handle it? I know what will happen - nothing. It will not work, that's all. It happens in life. You will get up and go on. People are so afraid of failure that they do not even think about why this failure is so terrible. In most cases it is not, it failed, that's all. You can try again, richer with experience. I think that it is better to regret that something has happened than to think about how it could be if we would do it.
So I stopped waiting and created the perfect moment, and you? Are you still waiting or maybe  you've already created the perfect moment?  ;)

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