Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Talk to me!

I'm sitting in the university library. I came here to write my whole master's thesis, or at least a few pages. I'm in the reading room, there is a lot of people, everyone is whispering to each other, and I already know that my plans to write anything are ruined because I can not focus on anything else but only on that people irritate me with their conversations. So I'm sitting and watching what's going on around me and I came to a conclusion - it is strange that when talking is forbidden in places like library, everyone finds a million topics to talk about, and when there is time for conversation, everyone is sitting with their noses on the phone and they do not want to have a real conversation with their companion. How is this possible? Is not this the paradox of today's life?
I see more and more often a scene like this - a group of friends is sitting in a cafe. Everyone with phones in their hands, busy chatting with friends on Facebook. There is no talk. There is silence. Sometimes even frightening, because there is no interaction between them. Where does it come from? Being always online has become terrifyingly popular. What's worse - people see nothing wrong with it. Strongly annoyed by my observations, I decided to check what the internet says about it. And how frightened I was when I found out that this phenomenon became so popular that in 2012 the scientists gave the name on it "phubbing". It is defined as the behavior of playing with mobile phones and ignoring people with whom you are staying. The term "phubbing" was created after combining two English words: "phone", meaning telephone, and "snub", meaning ignore, disregard.
Internet and technology distracts us and does not allow us to focus, we feel the need to be connected to the network 24/7 and we are afraid that we will miss something when we are not online. Our interpersonal relationships become more and more virtual because it is easier to socialize on the web, it is less demanding - we can talk to several people at the same time, sitting even in pajamas. At the same time, we participate in online and offline life. We don't care about real relations and I don't know what should I do with this facts. I only know that it makes me really sad.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

The perfect moment

I often hear my friends who say that they will do something later because now it's not the right moment. So when is it?
There is a quote: do not wait for the perfect moment, choose the moment and make it perfect.
We imagine that someday, when we are wiser, richer, more experienced and have more time then we will do something, because now is not the right time for it.
Usually this does not happen. Why? Not because we can not do it, but because the world is trying to convince us that we are still not wise enough, old, rich, experienced and we should not lean out. So we are waiting for the perfect moment while, we can decide every day that this is the moment. Not after graduation, not when we get a good job, not when we're rich, right now is the time to try something, something that you've been thinking about for a long time, but something, some strange and unnecessary thought makes that you not did it yet.
Because what will happen if you can not handle it? I know what will happen - nothing. It will not work, that's all. It happens in life. You will get up and go on. People are so afraid of failure that they do not even think about why this failure is so terrible. In most cases it is not, it failed, that's all. You can try again, richer with experience. I think that it is better to regret that something has happened than to think about how it could be if we would do it.
So I stopped waiting and created the perfect moment, and you? Are you still waiting or maybe  you've already created the perfect moment?  ;)

Sunday, April 8, 2018

What's now?

Recently, I talked with my friend about the master's defence, which impend so fast.
My friend sighed loudly and said to me:
- I do not know what to do after this studies, what I should do with my life!
I do not know either. The end of education is strange. There was always another step in education, after primary school there was secondary school and after that high school, and now? Now I feel like a small child who lost in a crowd and does not know what to do. 
Regardless of whether you have plans for life or not  the end of education always raises anxiety and a feel in which you are wondering what you really want from life and what you have to do at the moment. Watch all the series? Go on holiday? Send a CV? What happens when the whole period of life ends? What happens next, when the exams and complaints about lecturers are over? What happens when there is no lecture to go (or not) or classes that organize the course of the day? The closer to master's defence, the more I feel like standing in a big field with a hundred roads and I did not know which one is the right one. Or is this path that I initially chose to be what I dreamed about?
And why something that should be just a formality and just the end of another thing in life grow in my head to the rank of the event of the year and make me have so many thoughts in my head?
I have no idea, but I hope that life will lead me in the right direction.

Happiness - what does it actually mean?

What is happiness? I used to think that it depends on other people, that they are responsible for that how I feel. Today I know that happi...