Saturday, November 30, 2019

Why education is so important ?

Learn because learning is the key to success - parents repeated. Rightly. Education is so important, because thanks to it we have better life. Thanks to science, or rather knowledge, we can live in a community and be independent. Knowledge, however, is not only the ability to "be human", but also news about the world around us that we learn at school. Science has many fields. We learn about everything around us. We can distinguish between animal and plant, addition to subtraction, river from land, or noun from verb. We can do all this because we have learned it, because someone told us that. So what is the conclusion ? We learn not only because we want to get good job and earn a lot of money but because we can learn how to be a wise person, what is good and what is bad, and also learning helps us to be more open-minded for the world and other people.

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